
New Feature: Illegal Booze

So, you want to make some extra cash? Here it is! Another new feature on MobstarGame: “Illegal Booze”.

Let’s start with the basics. On the left under “Crimes” you find the “Illegal Booze” section. Providing your personal stocking program on booze. Every 5 minutes you can produce a certain amount of liters based upon your rank.
- Bacteria - 1 Liter
- Low life / Young Woman - 2 Liter
- Apprentice / Adult Lady - 3 Liter
- Hitman / Hitwoman - 5 Liter
- Assassin - 7 Liter
- Local Boss / Local Bossin - 10 Liter
- Boss / Bossin - 15 Liter
- Godfather / Godmother - 20 Liter

With unlimited stocks connected to your gangsters profile! So you must produce as much as you can every 5 minutes. Prices very every couple of hours, so stay sharp on purchasing for the best prices to make as much cash as possible.

You can produce the following types of illegal booze:
- Cognac
- Rum
- Tequila
- Whisky
- Vodka
- Brandy
- Absinthe
- Mezcal

But you want to sell, because producing costs money, as soon as possible and make some nice cash. We understand that.
That’s also a new feature on MobstarGame. It's connected to domination. Buy a plot, click on it and purchase your own liquor store! You can buy one starting at 25.000. The most expensive is 500.000. The different types mainly change on how much liters they can sell and the margings it makes. Creating a nice earning model for new players and exciting players and makes domination even more interesting. We are updating the interest rates on domination in the near future as well.

We support four types of stores:
- Liquor Store Small ($ 25.000)
Starting off with some nice small amounts? That’s cool. Sell 25 liter each hour with 150% - 250% margin on you purchase prices.
10% of your earnings float back to the crewbank.

- Liquor Store Medium ($ 100.000)
The medium liquor store let’s you sell some more, but with less margin. Sell 50 liter liter each hour with 125% - 200% margin on your purchase prices.
10% of your earnings float back to the crewbank.

- Liquor Store Large ($ 250.000)
The large liquor store sells a lot: 100 liter each hour with 100% - 175% margin on your purchase prices.
10% of your earnings float back to the crewbank.

- Liquor Store Extra Large ($ 500.000)
Sells the most booze: 150 liter each hour with 75% - 150% margin on your purchase prices.
10% of your earnings float back to the crewbank.

So depending on your online time you should invest in your own store. In order to buy you need to be a member of a family. So join one quickly or start creating your own imperium.

We also updated the pop up on domination with your net profit (visual for other players as well) your personal and crew information.

Enjoy & Good luck!

//MobstarGame team