
First family & kill, time for an interview with "Stark"

The first family is active on MobstarGame! Oh and the first kill is done as wel. The man behind the action is "Stark".

"The First Unsullied" is the creation of "Stark" who set-up this family today. He also shot the first gangster. "The Clown" died from his attack. So it's about time for an interview with "Stark".

- Congratulations on being the first active family on Mobstargame! You chose the familyname "The First Unsollied" can you explain that name?

The First stand for the first crew in this world. The meaning of unsullied is "(of reputation) free from blemishes", and thats what we are, free from all blemishes. We do what we do with a reason, we believe in justice and follow the (B)lood. (H)onor. (L)oyality. When you are Unsullied there is no way back!

- Is your crew an "open" crew? Can players apply for a spot?

There will be no open vacancies but everybody can come talk to me about joining or in a later stage my right or left hand. You have to be Apprentice or Higher, so you showed your loyalty to the game and thats a good start.

- What are you looking for in new members?

I talked about it earlier if have three key words: Blood, Honor and Loyalty. I'm looking for mobs that want to work hard to help build the empire, murder for their brothers and sisters, and be loyal to each other.

- What is the philosophy of the family?

Life's a pitch, you can do ones!! Make it worth it and let them remember you.

- Do you have any plans which you can share?

Just grow slowly, with good strong guys, bring some justice in the game and we are going to rule this world and defeat our enemy's hopefully together with some strong allies.

- What has drawn you to the world of MobstarGame?

The game is an old habit of me from back in they days. Just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in!!

- Oh and we heard some rumors about a clown? Seems you don't like clowns? Care to elaborate on this subject?

My dad was a clown and he was a horrible men, I killed him and every other clown in my way!

I'm very excited about all the new players. Have fun, shoot a little and don't take life seriously. Let make this world terrify again!!

Ready to start your own gangster career? Join us, it's free to play: www.mobstargame.com