
Feature update: Personal drug smuggling as a gangster

Yes; we got a dynamic economy. Big part of that are the drugs.

A gangster produces resources. Those resources are valued based upon the stock of the buying Country Drug Store (CDS). The less stock, the more you make as a gangster. So make sure the stocks are as low as possible to make a lot of cash.

The buyer (CDS) is owned by a gangster. One in each country. You need to be active and buy resources. Then automatically the game creates drugs. Those drugs are stocked in your casino and of course you want to sell. That’s possible, further more we created this new feature update to increase sales for you.

The stocks in the CDS are bought by drug mules within the crew. They buy with crew cash and sell to the game based upon domination of a crew. The more a crew dominates, the quicker you sell the drugs. But the less margin you make for each KG you sell. So this way small crews have a fighting chance, because the money flows back into the crew bank.


So, what’s new man?

Well let us tell you. We present “drugs” under crimes. From now on, based upon your rank, you can buy drugs as a gangsters from the Country Drug Store of the country you are in. You can make some cash when you play your cards right. Each 4 hours the price settings for each country change. You can purchase at the lowest price (based upon stocks) and sell it in another country for a better price. Be careful: you can’t buy and sell the drugs in the same country.

Good luck making some more in-game cash!
